Thursday 5 July 2012

billie jean analysis

Billie Jean aka Sam Piyasena is an artistic Graphic designer, best known for his designing contribution to the Nike campaign in 2004, where he designed vintage styled trainers, attempting to lead the revolution of fashion.

Billie jean created a various amount of work which were both artistically inspiring and genius, reaching out to the youth of the market with his bold drawings and designs.  This was clearly shown in his poster ‘30 Years of Nike Basketball Shoes’. In this he conveyed his idea of Nike in the last 30 years, using doodles of childhood images that he may have seen whilst growing up relating to Nike. Having this reputation allowed them to be more diverse with their designs becoming more in touch with the 70’s lifestyle.

A doodle filled campaign for samaritas created by Alex Holder, Oli Kellett, Daryl Corps and Ben Kay at advertising agency Lunar BBDO. Illustrted by Billie Jean. 

The campaign for 2007 is based around the idea that doodles are a way of expressing your inner thoughts, and that if there are things on your mind then Samaritans is there to offer confidential support 24 hours a day. It is based around the idea that drawing doodles could be a way of expressing inner thoughts.

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